Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Arguments Against Gay Marriage Are Stupid

In my last post I addressed my Issue with the putrid garbage being hoisted upon the good people of my state by those who oppose the legalization of Gay marriage.  Today I would like to address some of the specific claims they are making to show how asininely ridiculous they all are.

#1 - Gay people already have Civil Unions in our State - they don't "need" marriage.

First off, who are you to decide what someone else does or does not need?  That is just rude.  Secondly, this sounds to me to be remarkably similar to the argument the same kind of people made 40 years ago about "separate but equal" education, and it is as disgusting now as it was then.

#2 - Schools will teach Gay marriage in the classroom and parents will be "not allowed" to talk to their own kids about it.

This is probably the most fucking ridiculous thing I have EVER heard in my life!  It ranks right up there with the cavemen living alongside the dinosaurs (and it probably comes from the same people!).  How is the school district going to prevent anyone from telling their kids whatever the hell they want to tell them?  What they teach my kids at school never had anything to do with what I taught them at home, the stupid "D.A.R.E." program comes to mind as an example.  So what they tell your kids while at school that there is nothing wrong with Gay marriage (because there is NOTHING wrong with it), that does not stop you from spreading your hate and ignorance to your children, it just gives them a better chance at growing up to be better people than you are.  I thought that was what every parent wanted for their child after all, for them to do better, to be better than we are.

#3 Marriage is about more than the commitment between two people - it was created to benefit the next generation.

What the fuck does that even mean?  So if you get married you HAVE to have kids?  And of course you could not possibly have kids if you are not married now could you?  Never mind the fact that I had two of my kids when I was not married, that's not relevant.  And by the way, in case you were wondering there are more studies showing that devoutly religious heterosexual couples are far more likely to raise serial killers than Gay people ever have been, so you might want to shut the fuck up now.  Okay?

These were the three worst lies and distortions I have been repeatedly assaulted with for the last month, and I am so freaking glad it is almost over!  If you can believe the "Polls" the Referendum should pass by a landslide and the religious right wing nut jobs can go off to the next state to spread their propaganda where I hope they will meet the same response.  Where ever they end up, I will still be right here, speaking out for what is decent and right, speaking out for Freedom and for Love, because that is what I was born to do.  I can't help it, I was born this way.

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