Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Reasonable Look at Global Warming

This is a topic that has bothered me since the concept was introduced so many years ago.  I think it is past time for me to address it, so that's what I am going to try to do today.

I do find it interesting that the only people who seem to be "denying" Global Warming are those who choose religion over Science, or those who profit from the destruction of our planet.  I am not going to defend or deny Global Warming, because as far as I can see the whole thing is really fucking irrelevant.  Pollution is BAD!  There are no ifs, ands, or buts involved, its just fucking BAD!  Bad for the Planet, Bad for the ecosystem, Bad for the People!  Why in the hell are we even fucking debating this?

The worst part of all of this is that we have the technology to reduce our pollution output down to next to nothing, but the rich bastards that control everything refuse to implement those technologies because they might cut into their obscene profit margins.  So we are all poisoned everyday in the name of greed.  And we are virtually powerless to stop it because our elected representatives refuse to do their freakin jobs to "promote the general welfare" of our entire nation.  They are too busy counting their campaign donations to bother with doing their damn jobs.     
Is the Earth really warming up?  Yes, it is.  Are human's responsible?  Well, we sure are not making it any better.  As I said though, I don't think any of that really matters.  If we took the steps that we should have been taking for the last 50 years, we could repair the damage they have done to our lands, our waters, our air, and the Earth will take care of the rest.      

I am a firm believer that all life on this planet is connected.  We all evolved on this planet together for a reason.  Human's have spent far too long believing that they are somehow above, and separate, from the other life forms on this planet, and they are very, very wrong.  Human, Plant, Animal, we need each other.  It is well beyond time we tried working with our planet instead of tearing it apart and poisoning it for the profit of a few greedy bastards who couldn't care less if they turned the whole planet into a wasteland as long as they can make a few bucks.

It is far beyond time that these people be held responsible, and LIABLE, for ALL of the damage they have done.  If they don't want to clean it up right, then they need to be put out of business and ALL of their assets should be diverted to cleaning up their crap.  The owners of these companies should be in jail, for life, and their personal assets should be returned to the people of this country and the rest of the world.  And there should be at least a 90% tax rate on EVERY company that profits from polluting, so we can use that money to clean up their fucking mess.   If only our Government cared half as much about doing its actual job as they do about dictating the personal lives of ordinary citizens.  If only ...


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